Monday August 22, 2022
Who is your guide?
Ps 31:3 – For You are my rock and my fortress; For Your name’s sake You will lead me and guide me.
As we progress into the year, I’m certain you have wondered what the rest of this year holds for you and for others around you. Can we know for certain what tomorrow holds? Regardless of how many prophecies have been thrown over us in the past few months, reality asserts that many will still stumble and wobble through this year. Success and prosperity prove to be more dependent on right decisions than they are on spirited declarations and even resolutions. And the future looms like some very dim room into which we peek unseeing. We stand out here unsure of what lurks within, and decisions tend to be more of guess-work as we seek to define our route forward.We need to be guided! We need direction! And the good news is that sure guidance is available. God through the Holy Spirit is more eager to lead and guide his children than we are willing to be guided. Bend your ear to the heart of the Father, away from the many other voices out there jostling for your attention, and you can be assured of sure direction.
But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you (John 14:26.)
Whose voice are you listening to? Who’s leading you into 2019?